Continental Literature Brief Question Solution 2021

Continental Literature Brief Question Solution 2021

Previous Board Brief Questions Solution 2021 | Continental Literature made by Bangla Summary

Brief Questions : 2017 - 2018, Fourth Year

2017 made by Tanvir, Admin of Bangla Summary

a) How does Sofya Marmeladov earn her living?

   Ans :  Sofya Marmeladov prostitutes herself to earn money.

b) What is the name of Raskolnikov's sister?

   Ans :  The name of Raskolnikov's sister is Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov.

c) How many rounds of shot does Meursault fire at the Arab?

   Ans : Meursault fires five rounds of shot at the Arab.

d) Why was Meursault remorseless for the murder he committed?

   Ans :  Meursault was remorseless for the murder he committed because he wanted to depict himself as a resorseless killer.

e) What did Gregor do for a living before turning into an insect?

   Ans :  Gregor worked as a travelling salesman for a living before turning into an insect.

18- f) What does the monstrous insect symbolise in The Metamorphosis'?

    Ans :  The monstrous insect symbolizes in The Metamorphosis Gregor's desire not to return to a job he dislikes.

19- g) Who are the shipwrecked people in 'A Doll's House?

   Ans :  Christine and Krogstad are the shipwrecked people in Doll's House'. 

20- h) What work did Nora do to earn money?

   Ans :  Nora does trivial work like "a heap of copying" to earn money.

21- i. Name the sons and daughters of Mother Courage.

   Ans :  The names of sons and daughters of Mother Courage are Eilif, Swiss Cheese, and Kattrin.

22- j) How did Gregor die?

   Ans : Gregor died from self-starvation.

23- k) What does Mother Courage decide to do at the end the novel?

  Ans :  At the end of the novel, mother courage decides to run the canteen alone.

24- 1) What does Gregor refuse to let anybody take away?

  Ans :  Gregor refuses to let anybody take away the framed picture of a women.

2018   made by Tanvir, Admin of Bangla Summary

a) What is Gregor's surname in "The metamorphosis'?

   Ans :  Gregor's surname in The Metamorphosis' is Samsa.

b) What did Gregor's father do for a living after the metamorphosis of Gregor?

   Ans :   After the metamorphosis of Gregor, Gregor's father went to work as a messenger for the bank.

c) Who is the narrator of the novel 'The Outider'?

   Ans :.  Meursault is the narrator of the novel 'The Outider'. 

d) What are the themes in the play 'Mother Courage and Her Children'?

   Ans :  The themes in the play 'Mother Courage and Her Children' are capitalismpower struggle and courage.

e) What conflict do you notice in the relationship of Meursault and Marie?

   Ans :   The conflict in the relationship of meursault and marie is that marie wants to marry meursault but meursault is content with just being with her

f) What is the setting of place in the play 'Mother Courage and Her Children'?

    Ans :  The setting of place in the play "Mother Courage and Her Children' is throughout Europe

g) What sickness does Dr. Rank suffer from?

  Ans :  Dr. Rank suffers from hereditary syphilis.

h) Why did Nora's father call her his 'doll-child'?

  Ans :  Nora's father called her 'doll-child' because she is very childlike and whimsical.

i) What Russian city does the story Crime and Punishment take place in?

   Ans :  The Russian city in which the story 'Crime and Punishment' takes place is St. petersburg

j) Why is Raskolnikov's sister marrying?

   Ans :  Raskolnikov's sister is marrying for financial reasons.

k) What is the dominant theme of the play 'A Doll's House'?

   Ans :  The dominant theme of the play 'A Doll's House' is that of the absence of the female identity in the male dominant society.

1) What type of novel is crime and Punishment?

  Ans :  'Crime and Punishment' is a novel of psychological realism.

brief questions continental literature - 4th year - bangla summary

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