19th Century Novel Previous Brief Solution 2021

19th Century Novel Previous Brief Solution 2021

Previous Board Brief Questions with Answers | Nineteenth Century Novel - Bangla Summary | Brief Solution 2021

Board Questions : 2013 - 2019, Fourth Year

2013  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

01 -a) What was the Pseudonym (সিউডোনিম - ছন্দনাম) of Charlotte Bronte?

 Ans : Currer Bell.

02 -b) How did Tess die?

Ans : She is hanged as a punishment for murder.

03 -c) Who is Sydney Carton?

Ans : Sydney Carton is an assistant of Stryver. He sacrifices his life to save Darnay for his love for Lucie.

04 -d) Whom does Stayver insult as a 'Mincing Fool'?

Ans : Stryver insults Lucie as a 'Mincing Fool.

05 -e) Who is Charlotte Lucas?

Ans : Charlotte Lucas is the eldest daughter in the Lucas family. She is a close friend of Elizabeth.

06 -f) Who is old lady day?

Ans : Old Lady Day is  the Day that lots of farm workers change positions and move farm to farm looking for new work.

07 -g) Why does Darcy get rid of his pride?

Ans : Darcy gets rid of his pride as Elizabeth refuses his proposal.

08 -h) Name the two cities mentioned in "A Tale of Two Cities".

Ans : London and Paris.

09 -i) How old is Jane?

Ans : She is twenty-two years old.

10 -j) What did Tess name her child?

Ans : Sorrow.

11 -k) How many sisters are there in Darcy family?

Ans : One sister.

12 -l) What is the name of Tess' sister?

Ans : Liza Lu.

2014  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

13 -a) What is the Netherfield park?

Ans :  Netherfield Park is the large mansion leased to Mr. Bingley and his sisters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. / The estate Bingley has rented is Netherfield Park.

14 -b) Who is Parson Tringham?

Ans : He is a clergyman in Marlott. He tells John Durbeyfield that his family is descended from the noted d'Urberville family.

 15 -c) What is Westminster Hall?

   Ans : Westminster Hall is the oldest building on the Parliamentary estate. It is located in London. It was the chief law court of England until 1870.

 16 -d) How many daughters did the Bennet family have?

Ans : Mr. and Mrs. Bennet have five daughters.

 17 -e) In which school did Jane receive her education?

Ans : In Lowood School.

 18 -f) Where and when was Tess raped by Alec?

Ans : Tess was raped by Alec in the Chase when she is returning from fair and market of Chaseborough.

 19 -g) what do you know about Guillotine?

Ans : The guillotine is the violent revolutionaries' executional method of choice. It is used in many unjust executions and lionized by the bloodthirsty revolutionaries as a national treasure.

 20 -h) What is the name of the bank mentioned in A Tale of two Cities?

Ans : Tellson's Bank.

 21 -i) where did tess fall in love with Angel?  2018

Ans :  Talbothays is the place where Tess was employed as a dairymaid and they fall in love with each other.

 22 -j) Who is Edward Rochester?

Ans : Rochester is the owner of Thornfield Manor and Jane's lover.

 23 -k) Who is Lady Catherine De Bourgh?

Ans : Lady Catherine de Bourgh is Mr. Darcy's aunt. She is arrogant, over-bearing, domineering, interfering, vulgar and affected; she cannot tolerate any opposition.

 24 -l) What is the red-room in Jane Eyre?

Ans : The "red-room" is the frightening chamber in which Mr. Reed died.

 2015  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

25 -a) What is the genre of Pride and Prejudice?

Ans : It is a comedy of manners.

26 -b) What is 'Boz'?

Ans : 'Boz' is Dickens's pseudonym.

27 -c) Where do the Bennets live?

Ans : The Bennets live in the village of Longbour, lying about a mile outside the small country town of Meryton.

28 -d) How many years did Jane Eyre pass at Lowood School?

Ans : Jane passed eight years at Lowood School.

29 -e) What is Saint Antoine?

Ans : It is the suburb of Paris where the Defarges live. Its residents are extremely poor.

30 -f) Name the two cities mentioned in "A Tale of Two Cities".

Ans : 2013 (h).

31 -g) How does Jane extinguish the fire?

Ans : Jane brings a basin of water and tries to extinguish the fire by throwing the water over Rochester.

32 -h) What is the name of Tess' village?

Ans : The name of Tess's village is Marlott.

33 -i) Why does Tess write a letter to Angel Clare before the marriage ceremony?

Ans : Tess writes a confessional letter to Angel, telling him of her past and slips it under his door.

34 -j) What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans : Mrs. Reed was a cruel woman.

35 -k) Who represent pride in "Pride and Prejudice"?

Ans : Darcy.

36 -l) How does Alec die?

Ans : Tess stabs him with a knife.

 2016  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

37 -a) What was the original title of the novel Pride and Prejudice?

Ans : First Impressions.

38 -b) Why did Charlotte Lucas marry Mr Collins?

Ans :  
Charlotte Lucas married Mr. Collins on the basis of worldly advantage and practical consideration.

39 -c) What is the Netherfield park? 
2014 (a)

Ans :  
Netherfield Park is the large mansion leased to Mr. Bingley and his sisters in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. / The estate Bingley has rented is Netherfield Park.

40 -d) What two cities are mentioned in "A Tale of Two Cities"?

Ans : 2013 (h), 2015 (f)

41 -e) Who are the two persons who look alike in A Tale of Two Cities?

Ans : Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay are look alike.

42 -f) What is Guillotine?

Ans : 2014 (g)

43 -g) What was the Pseudonym of Charlotte Bronte?

Ans : 2013 (a)

44 -h) Who is Sorrow?

Ans : Sorrow is Tess's son by Alec d'Urberville. Sorrow dies in his early infancy, after Tess christens him herself. She later buries him herself and decorates his grave.

45 -i) why is the manor Thornfield so called?

Ans :  
Thornfield Hall represents the difficulty and joy which is an essential part to the novel.

46 -j) Who as Jane's Pupil at Thornfield?

Ans : Adèle Varens is Jane's pupil at Thornfield. She is the illegitimate child of the opera dancer Celine Varens and an unnamed gentlerman. Rochester brought her to Thornfield after her mother, Celine, abandoned her.

47 -k) What is Prince?

Ans : Prince is the name of the old horse belonged to the Durbeyfield family.

48 -l) What is the sub-title of Tess of the D'Urbervilles?

Ans : A Pure Woman.

2017  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

 49 -a) How many daughters did the Bennet family have?

Ans : 2014 (d)

 50 -b) What kind of woman is  Lady Catherine de Bourgh?

Ans : Lady Catherine De Bourgh is a kind of proud and arrogant woman.

 51 -c) What kind of novel is A Tale of Two Cities?

Ans : A Tale of Two Cities is a historical novel.

 52 -d) What is the significance of Madame Defarge's knitting in Dickens' novel?

Ans : Her knitting is symbolic of maintaining register of the names of people who are to be punished for oppressing the masses.

53 -e) What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?

Ans : On July 14, 1789, the revolutionaries attacked the Bastille.

54 -f) Why was Jane imprisoned in the red-room?

Ans : Jane fights John like a wild cat. She scratches and bites him. He screams. As a result Mrs. Reed sends Jane to be locked in the red-room.

55 -g) What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans : 2015 (j)

56 -h) What happened to the letter of Tess which was written before their marriage?

Ans : Tess writes a confessional letter to angel, telling him of her past and slips in under his door.

57 -i) Why did Tess murder Alec?

Ans : As Alec has deceived her and torn her life to pieces, she killed him.

58 -j) What is the Chateau?

Ans : It is the home of Monseigneur the Marquis and scene of his assassination. It is symbolic of the corruption and gross disparity of wealth between the ruling class and the peasants. It is burned during the revolution.

59 -k) Why was Tess hanged to death?

Ans : She is hanged to death as a punishment for murdering Alec.

60 -l) What is the name of Darcy's estate?

Ans : Its name is Pemberley.

2018  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

61 -a) why is jane afraid of the red room?

    Ans :  Jane is terrified of the red room for two main reasons, the first reason is the Supernatural and ghostly legend.

62 -b) how was Prince killed?

    Ans :  Prince was killed with the help of trigger

63 -c) why does Mr. Bennet Favour Kitty?

    Ans :  Bennett favours Kitty by keeping her away from Brighton and the temptation to run away with a dashing young officer.

64 -d) Where did tess fall in love with Angel? 
 2014 (i)

Ans :  
Talbothays is the place where Tess was employed as a dairymaid and they fall in love with each other.

65 -e) who is Brocklehurst?

   Ans :  Mr. Brocklehurst is the supervisor of a boarding school for orphaned girls, Lowood Institute which was founded by on of his relatives

66 -f) what is the significance of the lion and the jackal?

   Ans :  The lion and the jackal is the signifies of two identities, two interpretations.

67 -g) why does miss Bingley get jealous?

   Ans :  Miss Bingley gets jealous because Darcy is interested in Elizabeth and ignores her

68 -h) Who is Joan Durbeyfield?

   Ans :  Joan Durbeyfield is Tess' mother who does her best to raise her seven children.

69 -i) who is Helen Burns?

   Ans :  Helen Burns is Jane's friend at Lowood School

70 -j) What is the relationship between Tess and Sorrow?

   Ans :  Sorrow is Tess's son by Alec d'Urberville.

71 -k) How did Jane save Mr. Rochesters's life?

    Ans :  Jane saved Rochesters's life by dousing his bed with water.

72 -l) who destroyed Mr. Mantette's shocmaking tools?

    Ans :  Miss Pross and Jarvis Lorry destroyed Mr. Mantette's shoe making tools.

 2019  Made By Tanvir, admin of Bangla Summary

73 -a) What was the original title of the novel Pride and Prejudice?

Ans : 2016 (a)

74 -b) Who was the King of France at the time of Frence Revolution?

    Ans : King Louis XVI

75 -c) What happened in Paris on July 14, 1789?

     Ans : 2017 (e)
76 -d) Who is Sorrow?

Ans : 2016 (h)

77 -e) Why did Tess murder Alec?

Ans : 2017 (i)

78 -f) What is the Netherfield park?

Ans : 2014 (a)

79 -g) What kind of lady was Mrs. Reed?

Ans : 2015 (j)

80 -h) What does the red-room symbolize?

Ans :  The red-room can be viewed as a symbol of what Jane must overcome in her struggles to find freedom, happiness, and a sense of belonging.

81 -i) Name the two cities mentioned in "A Tale of Two Cities".

Ans :  2013 , 2015

82 -j) Why did wickham agree to marry Lydia?

Ans :  Mr. Wickham agrees to marry Lydia after essentially being bribed into doing so by Mr. Darcy.

83 -k) Who is Edward Rochester?

Ans : Rochester is the owner of Thornfield Manor and Jane's lover.

84 -l) Why was Tess hanged to death?

Ans : 2017 (k)

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