American Poetry Previous Board Brief Questions Solution 2021 | American Poetry → আপনাদের সুবিধার্থে ২০১৩ থেকে ২০১৯ সালের ব্রিফ গুলো সহজভাবে সমাধান করে দেওয়া হয়েছে। পাশাপাশি কঠিন শব্দের অর্থও দেওয়া হয়েছে। তবে ব্রাকেটের অংশ বাদ দিলেও হবে। তাই কম পড়লেও গুছিয়ে পড়বেন।
American Poetry Brief Solution 2013 by bangla summary
a) To whom does Walt Whitman pay his respect in “O Captain, My Captain”?
♥→ Abraham Lincoln.
b) What is an elegy? 2016-b
♥→ An elegy is a sad poem which is written to mourn for the dead.
c) What does ‘Wild Nights’ symbolize? 2019-c, 2016-a
♥→ Unbounded (অসীম) sexual pleasures (enjoyed during nights).
d) What does the phrase ‘Lover’s Ports’ suggest in “Wild Nights, Wild Nights”?
♥→ It suggests a place for the lovers which is safe from all kinds of danger from the sea.
e) In The Death of the Hired Man “the moon is obscured by a cloud. What does it symbolize?
♥→ The death of Silas.
f) How does Dickinson describe her experience of going outdoors in summer in the poem ‘I Taste a Liquor’?
♥→ By getting drunk in a tavern (মদের দোকান).
g) How does Whitman welcome death? 2015-a, 2018-a
♥→ By chanting (গান গেয়ে) a song of reception for death.
h) What do you understand about ‘The Blues’? 2017, 2015-g
♥→ The Blues means sad feelings or feelings of despair.
i) Why is it impossible for African Americans to dream or aspire to great things?
♥→ Because of the environment of oppression that surrounds them.
j) Who is the speaker in the poem ‘Harlem’?
♥ → The speaker of the poem is not a specific person. It could be Hughes or a black american.
k) How was in the early 1950’s the social fabric of America which was composed of a black population? (1950-এর দশকের গোড়ার দিকে কালো জনসংখ্যা নিয়ে গঠিত আমেরিকার সামাজিক কাঠামো কেমন ছিল?)
♥→ There was a racial disintegration (জাতিগত বিভেদ) between the blacks and the whites and The blacks were still being considered second class citizens. (নিগ্রোদের তখনও দ্বিতীয় শ্রেণীর নাগরিক হিসেবে বিবেচিত হতো)
I) What is Harlem and why is it famous?
♥→ Harlem is a large neighborhood in New York City. It is famous as the centre of the Harlem Renaissance in the early 20th century.
American Poetry Brief solution 2014 made by bangla summary
a) Who is Walt Whitman?
♥→ Walt Whitman is an american poet and the poet of democracy in American literature.
b) What does the poet offer to the coffin of Lincoln? 2019, 2016
♥→ A spring (তোড়া) of lilac.
c) Why does Whitman address Abraham Lincoln as ‘Captain’?
♥→ Because he thinks that Abraham Lincoln is the captain of the ship “America”.
d) What does the lilac-bush look like? 2018
♥→ The lilac-bush looked like tall-growing, with heart-shaped leaves of rich-green. (লিলাক-ঝাড়টি দেখতে লম্বা-বর্ধমান, সমৃদ্ধ-সবুজ রঙের হৃদয়-আকৃতির পাতার মতো)
e) Who was Silas?
♥→ Silas was the hired servant of Warren.
f) Why wasn’t Warren satisfied with Silas? 2018-e
♥→ Because he left his job when Warren needed him most.
g) What does the tree in “Tree at My Window” stand for? 2019-a
♥→ “Tree” stands for nature.
h) Why did the poet take the other road? 2018
♥→ Because it had better claim it was grassy and untrodden so far (কারণ এটি আরও ভাল দাবি করেছিল যে এটি এখনও ঘাসযুক্ত এবং অপদস্পৃষ্ট)
i) What do you mean by the expression “Good fences make good neighbours”? 2018
♥→ This means that it is better for people to mind their own business and to respect the privacy of others. ( লোকেরা তাদের নিজের ব্যবসায় মন দেওয়া এবং অন্যের গোপনীয়তাকে সম্মান করা ভাল)
j) What inspired Langston Hughes to write the poem The Negro Speaks of Rivers? 2019-l
♥→ The beautiful sight of the Mississippi River inspired him to write this poem.
k) What attitude to America does the poet express by “I, too. Sing America”?
♥→ An attitude of patriotism and deep love.
I) What is New Orleans? 2016-l
♥→ New Orleans is a Louisiana city on the Mississippi River.
American Poetry Brief Solution 2015 by bangla summary
a) How does Whitman welcome death? 2013-g, 2018-a
♥→ By chanting (গান গেয়ে) a song of reception for death.
b) What is the earth right place for?
♥→ Love.
c) Where is Harlem? 2013, 2018
♥→ Harlem is a large neighborhood in New York City.
d) Whom does Whitman call “Captain”? 2018
♥→ Abraham Lincoln.
e) What was Mary’s idea about the return of Silas?
♥→ He had returned home to die.
f) What forced the branches of birches to bend?
♥→ The branches of birches to bend.
g) What do you understand about ‘ The Blues’? 2013-h, 2017
♥→ The Blues means sad feelings or feelings of despair.
h) What was Dickinson’s idea about liquor?
♥→ Ans : Dickinson’s idea about liquor was something that never brewed.
i) Whom did Dickinson feel moving ‘to and fro’ in “I felt a funeral in my brain”? 2019
♥ → Dickinson felt the mourners moving ‘to and fro’ in “I felt a funeral in my brain”
j) Who was Langston Hughes? 2019
♥→Langston Hughes was an American poet, novelist, writer and playwright.
k) Why does the poet call grass “hoary grass”?
♥→ To express the uselessness of grass compared with the highly valuable apples.
I) Did Langston Hughes love America?
♥→ Yes, Langston Hughes loved America deeply.
American Poetry Brief Solution 2016 by bangla summary
a) What does “Wild Nights” symbolize? 2019, 2013-c
♥→ Unbounded sexual pleasures (enjoyed during nights).
b) What is an elegy? 2013-b
♥→ Ans : An elegy is a sad poem which is written to mourn of the dead..
c) What does the poet dream of in “Birches”?
♥ → The poet dreamt of going back to his childhood to swing on Birches.
d) Why was Mary waiting for her husband?
♥ → Mary was waiting for her husband to give him the news, ‘Silas is Back’.
e) What does the poet mean by “deferred dream” in “Harlem”?
♥→ The dream that is not realized shortly but postponed in realization.
f) What does the poet mean by” Rowing in Eden” in “Wild Nights Wild Nights”?
♥→ Rowing in sea would be like rowing Heaven. (জান্নাতে নৌকা চালানো)
g) What do you understand when the speaker says, “I am the darker brother”?
♥→ He is a Negro and a brother to all the Americans, white or black
h) What does Whitman offer to the coffin? 2019, 2014
♥→ A sprig of lilac to the coffin of Lincoln.
i) Whom did the poet hear playing a piano in “The Weary Blues”?
♥→ A Negro. (“The blues ” were coming from the soul of a Negro)
j) How did Mary define home? 2019-f, 2017-e
♥ → Mary defines home as “Something you somehow haven’t to deserve” (এমনকিছু যার যোগ্যা তুমি কোনোভাবেই নও).
k) What does Frost mean by the two roads?
♥→ Two or more paths a man finds in every critical moment of his life, out of which one is always chosen as the decision.
L) What and where is New Orleans ? 2014-l
♥→ New Orleans is a Louisiana city on the Mississippi River.
2017 made by Tanvir, admin of bangla summary
a) What wall symbolize the poem ‘Mending Wall”?
♥→ Ans : The political, social, physical, and emotional walls that we face in our lives.
b) Why did Silas leave his job with Warren?
♥→Ans : Because Warren could not afford him to buy tobacco.
c) What does ‘fearful trip’ refer to in the poem O Captain My Captain?
♥→Ans : The risky steps taken by Abraham Lincoln to remove slavery from America.
d) What is the dream of the speaker in the poem ‘I’ Too Sing America’?
♥→ Ans : Some day he will sit at the table with the white guests.
e) How does Mary Define Home? 2019-f, 2016-j
♥→ Ans : Mary defines home as “Something you somehow haven’t to deserve” (এমনকিছু যার যোগ্যা তুমি কোনোভাবেই নও).
f) What are the rivers in the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”?
♥→ Ans : The Euphrates (ইউফরেটিস), the Congo, the Nile, and the Mississippi.
g) What do the Blues stand for in the poem Weary Blues? 2013, 2015
♥→ The Blues means sad feelings or feelings of despair.
h) What does Emily Dickinson mean when she says, ‘I taste a Liquor’?
♥→ Ans : She means that she has taken a unique kind of wine (that never brewed)
i) What is Jazz music?
♥→ Ans : Jazz is a traditional music of Black American (which is typically played on brass -পিতল and woodwind instruments.)
j) What happens when a dream is differed?
♥→ Ans : When a dream is differed, it explodes.
k) What does Frost mean when he says, ‘Your head so much concerned with outer, Mine with inner weather’?
♥→ Ans : By this expression Frost means that the tree outside his window is suffered by the natural weather but he is suffered by the natural weather psychologically. (তার জানালার বাইরের গাছটি প্রাকৃতিক আবহাওয়া দ্বারা ভুগছে কিন্তু সে প্রাকৃতিক আবহাওয়ার দ্বারা মানসিকভাবে ভুগছে)
l) Identify the relation between Mary, Warren, and Silas.
♥→ Mary and Warren are couple and Silas is their servant.
2018 made by Tanvir, admin of bangla summary
a) How does Whitman welcome death? 2013-g, 2015-a
♥→ By chanting (গান গেয়ে) a song of reception for death.
b) What do you mean by the expression “Good fences make good neighbours”?
♥→ This means that it is better for people to mind their own business and to respect the privacy of others. (এর মানে হল যে লোকেদের জন্য তাদের নিজের ব্যবসায় মন দেওয়া এবং অন্যের গোপনীয়তাকে সম্মান করা ভাল)
c) What is ‘Harlem’? 2019, 2015, 2013
♥→ Harlem is the large neighbourhood of New York city.
d) How does the poet express her thoughts about the wild nights?
♥→ Ans : If she were with her desired person, the wild nights will be a luxury.
e) Why was there the possibility of Warren’smaltreating (দুর্ব্যবহার) his old servant? 2014-f
♥→ Silas left his job when Warren needed him most.
f) How does the poet react to the melancholy song of the Negro?
♥→ The poet reacts sentimentally (emotionally) and utters (উচ্চারণ করা) ‘O Blues’
g) How does the lilac-bush look? 2014
♥→ The lilac-bush looked like tall-growing, with heart-shaped leaves of rich-green. (লিলাক-ঝাড়টি দেখতে লম্বা-বর্ধমান, সমৃদ্ধ-সবুজ রঙের হৃদয়-আকৃতির পাতার মতো)
h) Where is the funeral taking place?
♥→ Ans : The funeral is taking place inside the brain of the poet.
i) Why did the poet take the other road in the poem The Road not Taken? 2014-h
♥→ Because it had better claim it was grassy and untrodden so far (কারণ এটি আরও ভাল দাবি করেছিল যে এটি এখনও ঘাসযুক্ত এবং অপদস্পৃষ্ট).
j) Where was the Negro playing on a piano?
♥→ The Negro was playing on a piano on Lenox Avenue in New York city (in the faint light of an old gas light.)
k. Whom does Whitman call ‘Captain’? 2015
♥→ Ans : Abraham Lincoln
l) What do the mourners do after the funeral service is over?
♥→ The mourners lift (তুলে নেওয়া) a box after the funeral service is over.
American Poetry Brief Solution 2019 by bangla summary
a) What does the tree in “Tree at My Window” stand for? 2014-g
♥→ The tree stands for nature.
b) What does Whitman offer to the coffin? 2014, 2016
♥→ A spring of Lilac.
c) What does ‘Wild Nights’ symbolise? 2013-c, 2016
♥→ Unbounded (wild) sexual pleasures.
d) What are Birches?
♥→ Birches are thin-leaved deciduous trees. (বার্চ হলো পাতলা পাতার ক্ষণস্থায়ী গাছ)
e) How does the poet like to go toward heaven?
♥→ By climbing the black branches of the birch trees . (বার্চ গাছের কালো ডাল বেয়ে বা চড়ে)
f) How did Mary define home? 2016, 2017
♥→ Mary defined “home” as “something you somehow haven’t to deserve”.
g) Where is Harlem? 2013, 2015, 2018
♥→ Harlem is a large neighborhood in New York City.
h) Which of the two roads did Robert Frost take?
♥→ Robert Frost took the untrodden one
i) Who was Langston Hughes? 2015
♥→ Langston Hughes was an American poet, novelist, writer and playwright, ( a great black American poet of the 20th century)
j) What kind of liquor does Dickinson prefer?
♥→ A liquor that had never been brewed. (ডিকিনসন এমন একটি মদ পছন্দ করেন যা কখনও পান করা হয়নি।)
k) Whom did Dickinson feel moving to and fro ‘in f felt a Funeral in My Brain? 2015-i
♥→ Dickinson felt the mourners moving ‘to and fro’ in “I felt a funeral in my brain”.
l) What inspired Langston Hughes to write the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”? 2014-j
♥→The beauty and majesty of Mississippi river inspired him to write the poem.
আরও দেখুন : American Literature Brief Solution